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laman sesawang yang di isi penuh dengan pendapat ku.moga menjadi sesuatu untuk difikirkan.


Monday, November 7, 2011

was it necessary ?

there is a lot of thing on this world that i did not agree with.

and one of in relationship.what's the point?

if we take our time and think about it.
what's the point?spending time and satisfy someone.
and it's not even your's the money that your parents gave to you so you can eat.
and it's not even your's the time your suppose to spend on studying.

yeah.i admit that i rarely spend my time studying.but at least i'm not going on a date.
realize it or going on a date.we are tend to do sin.honestly.when we spend time together.
and it is just two of us.going to together.we could easily think and sometimes do.
sin.we're not suppose to be close of doing

yeah.i admit i spend  my money just like that.but i spend it mostly on food for ME.
imagine buy something as present to your love ones.while you can do something else with the money.
and it's not your money.why don't you get a job.have a steady life and then think about all this.

yeah.i don't have any girlfriend but this is not the reason i post this.
this is because i was frequently asked by my mother about my girlfriend which i don't have one.
so it makes me think was i necessary?

it's not the time to be in love.
there is just a lot to be done.

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