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laman sesawang yang di isi penuh dengan pendapat ku.moga menjadi sesuatu untuk difikirkan.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

its like yesterday

its like yesterday that people anxiously waiting for postmen everyday for their kad raya.
its like yesterday receiving duit raya seems so exciting
its like yesterday everyone was a kid and played together all day long.
its like yesterday,how time flies,

the next thing i know.
i was one of the driver of the 9 cars packed with my relatives to go to 'raya'
when i was a kid, i asked my parents permission to ride one after another car,

the next thing i know.
my relatives and I,
we're talking about our we used to play together.
how much fun we had.

one after another go away and never ever going to celebrate raya anymore.
raya seems to becoming less exciting each year
well,the time will come when its my turn who will give duit raya.
maybe thats why raya becoming less exciting eh?haha

its like yesterday.
really miss the yesterday.
but if we think too much of yesterday.
we will only lose tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. aku pun salah sorang yg rajin hantar kad raya but it seems now that people are getting lazier kan
